Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Bernardino, CA 92404
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Bernardino CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Above & Beyond Metaphysical Bo | 909-883-7171 | 2404 N Golden Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
All Nations African Church | 909-862-8823 | 2282 Pumalo St | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Apostolica Church of Del Rosa | 909-888-0704 | 7160 Glasgow Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Arabic Church of San Bernardino | 909-882-8227 | 3012 N Waterman Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Center for Spiritual Enrichment | 909-384-0061 | 6767 Del Rosa Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church | 909-885-0012 | 340 E Evans St | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Church of God Prophecy | 909-475-8900 | 3030 Del Rosa Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Del Rosa United Methodist Churc | 909-882-4118 | 3350 Del Rosa Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Ecclesia Christian Fellowship | 909-881-5551 | 1314 E Date St | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Ecclesia's Clothes Closet | 909-881-2899 | 2730 N Erwin Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Faith Ministry | 909-882-7422 | 170 E 40th St | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Faith Temple | 909-862-2416 | 2361 E Date St | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Floral Essence | 909-882-3341 | 297 E Highland Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
High Praises Worship Center | 909-475-9429 | 1200 E Highland Ave Ste I | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Holy One of Israel The | 909-883-7455 | 194 E 48th St | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Judson Baptist Church | 909-889-0781 | 1406 Pacific St | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Lutheran Church of Our Savior | 909-882-5013 | 5050 N Sierra Way | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church | 909-883-7005 | 166 E 45th St | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Samoan Independent Seventh Day Adv | 909-889-7756 | 1216 Cedar St | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
San Bernardino Community Churc | 909-864-3206 | 2372 E Lynwood Dr | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
San Bernardino Trinity Korean United M | 909-886-2242 | 224 E 16th St | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
Victorious Faith Christian Cente | 909-882-1112 | 1908 E Highland Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92404 |
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