Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Bernardino, CA 92407
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Bernardino CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bloomer's Flowers & Balloons | 909-883-3111 | 1050 Kendall Dr | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Community Christian Church | 909-882-8698 | 1140 W 48th St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Community Church of Devore | 909-887-4249 | 1431 Devore Rd | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Crestview Baptist Church | 909-887-2125 | 6245 Palm Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
First Baptist Church | 909-887-4814 | 4747 N State St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Gateway Christian Fellowship | 909-882-2080 | 4380 N 4th Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Hebrew Christian Witness Inc | 909-883-3910 | 4477 Genevieve St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Life Changing Ministries | 909-882-3277 | 5395 N F St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Metro City Church | 909-473-3330 | 4594 University Pkwy | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Mt Zion Church of God | 909-887-8965 | 2740 N California St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Muscoy Church of Christ | 909-887-5213 | 2828 N California St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Muscoy United Methodist Church | 909-887-1911 | Blake & Macy | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Northpark Community Church | 909-886-8075 | 5095 N Mayfield Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
San Bernardino Baptist Church | 909-882-0736 | 651 W 48th St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
San Bernardino Christian Cente | 909-864-4155 | 6848 Palm Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Set Free Muscoy | 909-473-8622 | 2180 Darby St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
St Timothy Community Church | 909-887-3015 | 3100 N State St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Timeless Plaques and Awards | 909-886-5688 | 794 W 40th St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
University Park Church | 909-473-7595 | 4835 Hallmark Pkwy | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
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