Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in San Bernardino, CA 92407
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for San Bernardino CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bahama Joe's | 909-887-1908 | 1689 Kendall Dr | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Baker's Burgers | 909-887-2313 | 1383 Kendall Dr | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Burger King | 909-473-0059 | 3235 Little League Dr | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Burger King | 909-886-2038 | 4000 N Sierra Way | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Carl's Jr Restaurants | 909-473-1064 | 4424 University Pkwy | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Castaway Restaurant & Banquets | 909-881-1502 | 670 Kendall Dr | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Catch of the Day Fresh Seafood Restaur | 909-882-7681 | 1050 Kendall Dr Ste B | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Cattlemen Steak House | 909-473-0111 | 18291 Cajon Blvd | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Celebrities Sports Grill | 909-882-2802 | 127 W 40th St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Del Taco | 909-473-9512 | 4344 University Pkwy | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
El Pollo Loco Inc | 909-880-6337 | 1695 Kendall Dr | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
El Puerto Bar & Grill | 909-887-4369 | 3786 Cajon Blvd | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Farmer Boys | 909-473-1717 | 1766 Kendall Dr | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Homeground No 6606 Inc | 909-880-0955 | 5975 Palm Ave | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Inland Kabob | 909-880-0829 | 1689 Kendall Dr Ste G | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
International House of Pancakes | 909-473-1195 | 4023 University Pkwy | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Italian Stoppe The | 909-886-9100 | 122 W 40th St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Jack in the Box | 909-880-1257 | 4020 University Pkwy | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 909-880-8118 | 4694 University Pkwy | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Little Beijing | 909-886-7570 | 967 Kendall Dr Ste F | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Lucy's | 909-883-4638 | 4151 N Sierra Way | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 909-880-8418 | 4155 University Pkwy | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Peking Inn | 909-880-2825 | 4434 University Pkwy Ste A | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Popeyes Chicken & Bisquits | 909-473-3032 | 3245 Little League Dr | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Rosa Maria's Home of the Official Ga | 909-881-1731 | 4202 N Sierra Way | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Sky Thai Restaurant | 909-886-5099 | 154 W 40th St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Subway | 909-887-5733 | 4695 Hallmark Pkwy | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 909-886-3343 | 4184 N Sierra Way | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Super Burger | 909-886-0051 | 150 W 40th St | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Taco Bell | 909-880-4400 | 1990 Ostrems Way | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Trevor's Rustic Inn | 909-886-1086 | 800 Kendall Dr | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
Zendejas | 909-887-6421 | 1970 Ostrems Way | San Bernardino | CA | 92407 |
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