Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in San Diego, CA 92127
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for San Diego CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A | 858-684-3057 | 11440 W Bernardo Ct | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
A Back and Bodily Injury Law Cent | 858-451-3445 | 11545 W Bernardo Ct | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
A Father's Rights Law Center | 619-691-7851 | 11545 W Bernardo Ct Ste 301 | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
Andreos George P Law Corp | 858-675-8691 | 11405 W Bernardo Ct | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
Bundens Laurelann Law Office of | 858-674-6961 | 16870 W Bernardo Dr | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
Erb Stephen Thomas Attorney A P C | 858-487-2728 | 11440 W Bernardo Ct Ste 204 | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
Gerard Kenneth J | 858-487-2851 | 17150 Via Del Campo Ste 102 | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
Greer C Keith & Associates | 858-613-6677 | 11440 W Bernardo Ct Ste 280 | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
Ladd Jon K Law Offices of | 858-451-1234 | 11440 W Bernardo Ct Ste 214 | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
Law Office of Gerald Maliszewski | 858-451-9950 | 11440 W Bernardo Ct Ste 157 | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
Law Offices of Paul E Smith | 858-451-3655 | 16870 W Bernardo Dr Ste 320 | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
Shifflet Kane & Konoske Llp | 858-385-0871 | 16880 W Bernardo Dr | San Diego | CA | 92127 |
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