Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in San Diego, CA 92110
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for San Diego CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bliss Skincare | 619-224-6884 | 3545 Midway Dr Ste F | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Calles Laura R Salon | 619-276-4896 | 4116 Kane St | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Contempo Hair & Nail | 619-221-9215 | 3545 Midway Dr | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Costa Verde Nails | 619-225-7888 | 3225 Sports Arena Blvd Ste 104 | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Faces Fantastic | 619-291-3223 | 2461 San Diego Ave Ste 210 | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Fantastic Sams | 619-223-9527 | 3619 Midway Dr | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Gallery for Hair | 619-296-1074 | 2802 Juan St Ste 16 | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Gina's | 619-224-2739 | 3689 Midway Dr | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Great Clips for Hair | 619-226-2547 | 3960 W Point Loma Blvd Ste D | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Hair Inspirations | 619-221-9160 | 3760 Sports Arena Blvd Ste 9 | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Hybury of Kane Street | 619-275-5481 | 4118 Kane St | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Interhair | 619-222-1131 | 3689 Midway Dr Ste C | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
London Nails Spa | 619-758-1959 | 4003 W Point Loma Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Marijo Luranc Skin Care Extraordinaire | 619-276-6046 | 2305 Morena Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Oasis Salon Bethshan | 619-326-0445 | 1969 Chicago St | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Old Town | 619-299-1677 | 3961 Arista St | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Palisades Hair Fashions | 619-222-0404 | 4005 W Point Loma Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Picasso's the Art of Hair Design | 619-291-9197 | 2707 Congress St Ste 2F | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Prissy's Beauty Salon | 619-276-5345 | 1314 Morena Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
Studio One Unisex Hair Styling | 619-222-7451 | 4009 W Point Loma Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92110 |
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