Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chula Vista, CA 91910
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chula Vista CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amor Ministries Inc | 619-662-1200 | 1664 Precision Park | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Bonita Baptist Church | 619-425-2001 | 73 E Bonita Rd | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Canyon Communtity Church | 619-421-6263 | 610 Paseo Del Rey | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Centro Cristiano Monte Hebron | 619-575-8753 | 1205 30th | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Christian Academy of Chula Vista | 619-422-7167 | 494 E St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Chula Vista Community Church | 619-422-7850 | 271 J St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Chula Vista First Southern Baptis | 619-426-4211 | 335 Church Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Church of His Kingdom | 619-575-1688 | 950 Garland Dr | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 619-482-9384 | 790 Rancho Del Rey Pkwy | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Church of Joy Lutheran | 619-482-1214 | 810 Buena Vista Way | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Community Congregational | 619-420-2046 | 276 F St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Cornerstone Church of San Diego | 619-425-9333 | 347 3rd Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Episcopal Churches | 619-422-4141 | 760 1st Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
First Christian Church of Chula Vista | 619-422-5313 | 430 2nd Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
First United Methodist Church of Chula | 619-656-2525 | 915 Paseo Ranchero | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Food Services | 619-429-1230 | 1465 30th | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Freewill Baptist Church | 619-691-8852 | 644 G St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
La Roca Comunidad Cristiana | 619-656-5473 | 1057 Tierra Del Rey | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Lighthouse | 619-427-9700 | 630 Corte Maria Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Lutheran Chula Vista Pilgrim Church | 619-422-0492 | 497 E St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Mexican Medical Ministries | 619-420-9750 | 251 Landis Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Oasis of Life Fellowship | 619-482-4716 | 1059 Tierra Del Rey Ste D | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Padre Hidalgo Center Diocese of San | 619-423-5312 | 938 18th | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Spectrum Church | 619-691-0880 | 4378 Lynndale Ln | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
St Mark's Lutheran Church Elca | 619-427-5515 | 580 Hilltop Dr | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Temple Beth Sholom | 619-420-6040 | 208 Madrona St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
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