Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lemon Grove, CA 91945
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lemon Grove CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Chapel Lemon Grove | 619-667-3804 | 8075 Broadway | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
Christian Church of Lemon Grove | 619-465-1888 | 6970 San Miguel Ave | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
Church of Christ | 619-466-3861 | 2515 Lemon Grove Ave | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
First Baptist Church of Lemon Grove | 619-460-4811 | 2910 Main St | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
Lemon Grove Congregational | 619-466-0503 | 2770 Glebe Rd | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
Lemon Grove Lutheran Church Elca | 619-465-7301 | 2055 Skyline Dr | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
Lemon Grove United Methodist Churc | 619-466-3291 | 3205 Washington St | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
Lighthouse Baptist Church | 619-461-5561 | 1345 Skyline Dr | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
Mission Outreach Ministries Inc | 619-741-3096 | 3468 Citrus St | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
New Horizons Church | 619-466-4609 | 3559 Sweetwater Way | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
Trinity Christian Fellowship | 619-465-9800 | 2115 Lemon Grove Ave | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
Witness of the Word | 619-464-3796 | 2619 Lemon Grove Ave | Lemon Grove | CA | 91945 |
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