Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Poway, CA 92064
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Poway CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Community Baptist Church | 858-679-7102 | 12639 Poway Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Calvary Chapel of Poway Valley | 858-513-1340 | 13260 Poway Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Child Centered Church | 858-679-8889 | 13380 Poway Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Christian Life Assembly | 858-748-1875 | 14047 Twin Peaks Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Christian Science Churches & Read | 858-487-4007 | 16315 Pomerado Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 858-487-3838 | 15705 Pomerado Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Crystal Gardens Florists | 858-486-4460 | 13565 Poway Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
First Baptist Church of Poway | 858-748-3940 | 13604 Midland Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Halls P | 858-748-8005 | 14239 Garden Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Mt Olive Lutheran Church & Presch | 858-748-3871 | 14280 Poway Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
North City Presbyterian Church | 858-748-4642 | 11717 Poway Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Pomerado Christian Church | 858-487-7312 | 12708 Stone Canyon Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Pomerado Road Baptist Church | 858-748-1088 | 13230 Pomerado Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Poway Baptist Church | 858-748-3683 | 14315 Garden Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Reach for the Son Christian Fello | 858-748-3750 | 12641 Poway Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
San Diego Sikh Gurudwara | 858-486-1231 | 12269 Oak Knoll Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Southwest Baptist Conference | 858-513-2484 | 14255 Danielson St | Poway | CA | 92064 |
St Gabriel Catholic Church of Poway | 858-748-5348 | 13734 Twin Peaks Rd | Poway | CA | 92064 |
Stoneridge Country Club | 858-487-2138 | 17166 Stoneridge Country C | Poway | CA | 92064 |
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