Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Diego, CA 92103
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Diego CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Weddings | 858-481-9046 | | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
First Southern Baptist Church | 619-298-1125 | 4353 Park Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Grace Baptist Church | 619-291-0700 | 3844 Georgia St | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Highest Quest Fellowship | 619-295-7120 | 1807 Robinson Ave Ste 201 | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Maranatha Ethiopian Christian Fello | 619-491-0655 | 4329 Park Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Mission Hills United Church of Chris | 619-296-2169 | 4070 Jackdaw St | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Mission Hills United Methodist Churc | 619-296-1243 | 4044 Lark St | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Self Realization Fellowship Chur | 619-295-0170 | 3068 1st Ave | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Society St Paul | 619-542-8660 | 2728 6th Ave | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Vedanta Society of So Calif | 619-291-9377 | 1440 Upas St | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Vietnamese Alliance Church | 619-296-5213 | 3991 Centre St | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
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