Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Diego, CA 92111
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Diego CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assembly of God | 858-277-3027 | 3811 Mount Acadia Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Atonement Lutheran Church | 858-278-5556 | 7250 Eckstrom Ave | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Baha'i Faith | 858-268-3999 | 6545 Alcala Knolls Dr | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Balboa Community Church | 858-278-6266 | 6555 Balboa Ave | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Bible Cassette Ministries Inc | 858-569-6565 | 6329 Osler St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Calvary Christian School | 858-277-7078 | 6866 Linda Vista Rd | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Church of Christ | 858-277-5006 | 7277 Fulton St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 858-278-6309 | 6840 Osler St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Clairemont Bible Baptist Church | 858-292-5933 | 3410 Mount Acadia Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Clairemont Faith Center | 858-292-0464 | 7045 Forum St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Congregation Dor Hadash Reconstructioni | 858-268-3674 | 4858 Ronson Ct | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Freewill Missionary Baptist Church | 858-278-4550 | 6855 Glidden St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Hanbit Church | 858-874-2412 | 4717 Cardin St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Korean Calvary Church | 858-278-3210 | 6970 Linda Vista Rd | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Korean Hope Church of San Diego | 858-571-6878 | 4665 Mercury St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Korean United Methodist Church of Sd | 858-569-4069 | 3520 Mount Acadia Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Korean Young Nak Presbyterian Ch | 858-571-5509 | 2130 Ulric St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Kum Kwan Preschool | 858-278-9802 | 7922 Dagget St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Linda Vista United Methodist Churc | 858-277-1518 | 6869 Tait St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Paul E Kidd A M E Church | 858-573-0537 | 7152 Fulton St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Peace Lutheran Church Missouri Synod | 858-268-4688 | 6749 Tait St | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Second Baptist Church Inc | 858-277-4008 | 2706 Korink Ave | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
Shabach Temple Ministries | 858-277-7808 | 7846 Convoy Ct | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
St Francis Seminary | 619-291-7446 | 1667 Santa Paula Dr | San Diego | CA | 92111 |
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