Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Diego, CA 92114
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Diego CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Faith Garden of Prayer | 619-264-1370 | 6540 Brooklyn Ave | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Bayview Baptist Church | 619-262-8384 | 6134 Benson Ave | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Centro Familiar Cristiano | 619-667-2770 | 955 Cardiff St | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Christ Temple Church of Christ Holiness | 619-264-5003 | 1040 Winston Dr | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Church of Christ | 619-263-6931 | 6070 Division St | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Church of Christ | 619-264-1454 | 580 69th St | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Circle of Faith Ministries | 619-263-2788 | 110 Euclid Ave | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Encanto Southern Baptist Church | 619-264-8641 | 6020 Akins Ave | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Good Samaritan Church of San Diego | 619-267-2720 | 7575 Skyline Dr | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Grace Missionary Baptist Church | 619-263-3595 | 6328 Brooklyn Ave | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Greater Life Baptist Church | 619-263-8101 | 5486 Roswell St | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Hope Lutheran Church Elca | 619-479-1733 | 7371 Brookhaven Rd | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Miller E L Rev Truevine Missionary Bapt | 619-264-2531 | 6860 Madrone Ave | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
New Faith Baptist Church | 619-527-6455 | 6409 Imperial Ave | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
New Jerusalem Community Church | 619-479-3733 | 112 S Meadowbrook Dr | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
New Paradise Baptist Church | 619-266-0214 | 420 68th St | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Phillips Temple C M E Church | 619-262-2505 | 5333 Geneva Ave | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
Shiloh Temple | 619-527-0222 | 5860 Market St | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
St Paul Baptist Church | 619-262-2841 | 7166 Jamacha Rd | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
True Light Apostolic Church | 619-262-6924 | 1346 S Euclid Ave | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
United House of Prayer for All People | 619-527-9594 | 5321 Imperial Ave | San Diego | CA | 92114 |
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