Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Day Care in Chula Vista, CA 91910
* Each listing below of Day Care Information for Chula Vista CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Child Development Associates | 619-427-4411 | 678 3rd Ave Ste 201 | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Child Development Associates | 619-421-9244 | 1470 E H St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Children's Company The | 619-422-7115 | 380 Telegraph Canyon Rd | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Children's World Learning Center | 619-482-8800 | 612 Paseo Del Rey | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Cottontail Preschool | 619-425-3107 | 471 E St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Educare Children's Center | 619-420-9900 | 406 I St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Four Seasons Preschool | 619-427-6580 | 264 I St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
La Petite Academy | 619-421-5238 | 795 Corral Canyon Rd | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
La Petite Academy | 619-421-0966 | 798 E J St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Montessori American School | 619-422-1220 | 3604 Bonita Rd | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Mulberry Child Care & Preschool | 619-482-1800 | 1101 Paseo Ladera | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Rocking Horse Children's Cent | 619-420-3880 | 544 Glover Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Tender Loving Care Infants & Toddl | 619-585-7550 | 381 D St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Wee Care Preschool | 619-425-9933 | 73 N 2nd Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
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