Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Grocery Stores in National City, CA 91950
* Each listing below of Grocery Stores Information for National City CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Big Ben Market | 619-477-1015 | 108 E 8th St | National City | CA | 91950 |
Big Lots | 619-477-4225 | 1410 E Plaza Blvd | National City | CA | 91950 |
Carnival Supermarket | 619-474-5444 | 1750 E 8th St | National City | CA | 91950 |
Chamorro International Market | 619-477-9695 | 1235 Highland Ave | National City | CA | 91950 |
Chiquita 99 | 619-477-2331 | 640 Highland Ave Ste F | National City | CA | 91950 |
Cozines Liquor Market and Deli | 619-477-8488 | 402 Civic Center Dr | National City | CA | 91950 |
Don John Market | 619-263-1613 | 431 N Highland Ave Ste A | National City | CA | 91950 |
Farmers Discount Store | 619-263-5347 | 1535 E 18th St | National City | CA | 91950 |
Food 4 Less | 619-477-5991 | 1320 E 30th St | National City | CA | 91950 |
Food Land Supermarket | 619-336-0130 | 303 Highland Ave | National City | CA | 91950 |
Gama Produce | 619-477-2374 | 1605 E 4th St | National City | CA | 91950 |
George's Market | 619-470-2402 | 2540 E 18th St | National City | CA | 91950 |
Grocery Outlet | 619-420-7134 | 3446 Highland Ave | National City | CA | 91950 |
Lupita's Meat Market & Groceries | 619-477-0865 | 2239 Highland Ave | National City | CA | 91950 |
National City Market | 619-477-5656 | 240 E 18th St | National City | CA | 91950 |
Odp | 619-475-2692 | 3530 E 8th St | National City | CA | 91950 |
Ralphs Grocery Co | 619-267-2603 | 901 Euclid Ave | National City | CA | 91950 |
Red Bird Market | 619-474-5289 | 2035 Highland Ave | National City | CA | 91950 |
Sav-A-Lot | 619-267-6191 | 1035 S Harbison Ave | National City | CA | 91950 |
Serrano's Meat Market & Grocery | 619-267-3808 | 2602 E 18th St | National City | CA | 91950 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 619-477-5875 | 1603 E 18th St | National City | CA | 91950 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 619-474-5900 | 807 E 8th St | National City | CA | 91950 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 619-475-5522 | 3100 E Plaza Blvd | National City | CA | 91950 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 619-474-1483 | 2400 Highland Ave | National City | CA | 91950 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 619-264-0110 | 15 N Euclid Ave | National City | CA | 91950 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 619-475-7422 | 2425 Sweetwater Rd | National City | CA | 91950 |
Siete Dias | 619-262-7921 | 151 N Highland Ave | National City | CA | 91950 |
Vista Food Market | 619-474-8361 | 1811 L Ave | National City | CA | 91950 |
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