Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Grocery Stores in San Diego, CA 92109
* Each listing below of Grocery Stores Information for San Diego CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
7-Eleven | 858-270-4833 | 4527 Mission Bay Dr | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Albertsons Supermarkets | 858-488-0600 | 730 Turquoise St | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Aria International Market | 858-274-9632 | 2710 Garnet Ave | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Beach House Market | 858-488-9191 | 3833 Mission Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Beach Market | 858-488-0947 | 3419 Mission Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Coast Market | 858-488-3787 | 3206 Mission Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Harry's Market | 858-488-2962 | 750 Ventura Pl | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Henry's Marketplace | 858-270-8200 | 1260 Garnet Ave | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Little Sam's Mkt | 858-488-5525 | 3756 Mission Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Magic Market | 858-274-3358 | 4825 Cass St | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Max's 99 Cent Store | 858-272-7751 | 1701 Garnet Ave | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Mission Bay Mkt | 858-483-6980 | 4135 Mission Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Mission Mkt | 858-488-3541 | 2885 Mission Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Pb Express Market | 858-272-7200 | 3503 Ingraham St | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Ralphs Grocery Co | 858-273-0778 | 4315 Mission Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 858-483-7395 | 4340 Mission Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 858-273-5195 | 2805 Garnet Ave | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 858-274-1737 | 2275 Garnet Ave | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 858-272-2670 | 1305 Garnet Ave | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 858-483-1394 | 4983 Cass St | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Seven Eleven Food Stores A Divif | 858-272-5711 | 1906 Balboa Ave | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Smart & Final | 858-581-6192 | 4516 Mission Blvd Ste A | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
Trader Joes Inc | 858-483-0224 | 1211 Garnet Ave | San Diego | CA | 92109 |
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