Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in San Diego, CA 92103
* Each listing below of Homes Information for San Diego CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bear State Realty | 619-295-4444 | 1728 W Lewis St | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Burgett Gilman and Associates | 619-294-7217 | 768 W Washington St | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Cayman Management Group | 619-298-0330 | 3740 4th Ave | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Century Twenty One Carole Realty | 619-681-1800 | 1050 University Ave | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
City Realty | 619-297-1181 | 3978 Park Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Coldwell Banker Residential Bro | 619-297-9910 | 1621 W Lewis St | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Curtis Toyer | 619-260-1988 | 1709 University Ave | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Eklund Family Llc | 619-260-3698 | 420 Brookes Ave | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Haro Jane S | 619-299-4276 | 1000 W Washington St | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Kantor Dwain & Associates Rl E | 619-497-0004 | 3872 5th Ave | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Laurel Hill Escrow Services Inc | 619-298-0587 | 2829 4th Ave | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Old Mission Realty | 619-294-8751 | 3636 4th Ave Ste 305 | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Phillips Investment Corporation | 619-296-0114 | 3843 Park Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Pickford Realty Escrow Division | 619-725-4479 | 4011 Ibis St | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Principle Real Estate | 619-683-2400 | 1439 University Ave | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Prudential California Realty | 619-688-1878 | 820 W Washington St | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Urban Wm Realtor | 619-296-2137 | 3920 Alameda Dr | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Utopia Realty | 619-299-4312 | 3848 5th Ave Ste B | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
Willin Properties | 619-298-0500 | 3958 Park Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92103 |
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