Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Machinery in Santee, CA 92071
* Each listing below of Machinery Information for Santee CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aeromach | 619-258-5990 | 11423 Woodside Ave | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Altech Machining Inc | 619-448-3392 | 11000 Woodside Ave N | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Ascend Manufacturing | 619-562-8661 | 10217 Buena Vista Ave | Santee | CA | 92071 |
B T I Inc | 619-562-3071 | 9525 Pathway St | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Bowen & Warengo Laser Cutting | 619-449-7575 | 10723 Prospect Ave | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Computech Inc | 619-449-7877 | 8606 Argent St Ste H | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Conn's Machining | 619-258-2792 | 10207 Buena Vista Ave | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Cyber Machine Inc | 619-449-3838 | 10943 Wheatlands Ave Ste C | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Dave Osman's Motorcycle Machine | 619-562-1528 | 8652 N Magnolia Ave Ste 12 | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Fox S R Machine & Engineering | 619-562-2800 | 9545 Pathway St Ste C | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Future Machine | 619-596-6970 | 9440 Wheatlands Ct Ste 2 | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Gr Peterson | 619-448-8484 | 10728 Prospect Ave | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Guiette Mfg Inc | 619-449-1571 | 10704 Prospect Ave | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Hanson Machine | 619-449-7832 | 10969 Wheatlands Ave | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Iron Sharpens Iron Manufacturing | 619-449-4350 | 9440 Wheatlands Ct | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Jerames Tool & Mfg | 619-448-1220 | 9356 Abraham Way | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Mathy Machine Inc | 619-448-0404 | 9315 Wheatlands Rd | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Mission Machine | 619-562-2351 | 9920 Prospect Ave Ste 114 | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Pm Machining | 619-449-8989 | 8630 Argent St | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Rsr Precision Machine | 619-448-6848 | 10020 Prospect Ave Ste A8 | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Tackett Machine | 619-596-1106 | 10728 Kenney St Ste D | Santee | CA | 92071 |
Wayne's Motorcycle Repair & Machin | 619-448-7139 | 10020 Prospect Ave Ste A12 | Santee | CA | 92071 |
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