Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Chula Vista, CA 91910
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Chula Vista CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bonita Vista Middle School | 619-397-2200 | 650 Otay Lakes Rd | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Casillas Joseph Elementary Scho | 619-421-7555 | 1130 E J St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Castle Park Middle School | 619-691-5450 | Counseling Ctr | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Chula Vista Elementary School District | 619-425-9600 | 84 E J St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Chula Vista Hills Elementary Scho | 619-482-7066 | 980 Buena Vista Way | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Chula Vista Middle School | 619-691-5655 | 415 5th Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Clear View Elementary School | 619-498-3000 | 455 Windrose Way | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Feaster Edison Charter School | 619-422-8397 | 670 Flower St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
First United Pentecostal Chu | 619-585-0600 | 395 D St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Greater San Diego Academy | 619-409-7800 | 345 F St Ste 110 | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Halecrest Elementary School | 619-421-0771 | 475 E J St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Hilltop Drive Elementary Scho | 619-422-8323 | 30 Murray St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Hilltop High School | 619-691-5640 | 555 Claire Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Hilltop Middle School | 619-498-2700 | 44 E J St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Imperial Unified School Distric by UN E | 619-628-5300 | 1915 Coronado Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Imperial Unified School Distric by UN E | 619-424-0100 | 2050 Coronado Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Imperial Unified School Distric by UN E | 619-628-8800 | 2500 Elm Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Imperial Unified School Distric by UN E | 619-628-0900 | 1455 Hollister | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Imperial Unified School Distric by UN E | 619-428-7100 | 1777 Howard Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Imperial Unified School Distric by UN E | 619-628-3500 | 2001 Rimbey Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Imperial Unified School Distric by UN E | 619-662-8100 | 877 Via Tonga Ct | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Marian High School | 619-423-2121 | 1002 18th | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Mueller Elementary School | 619-422-6192 | 715 I St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Rancho Del Rey Middle School | 619-216-5077 | 1174 E J St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Rosebank Elementary School | 619-422-8329 | 80 Flower St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
San Diego Unified School District | 619-271-8050 | 9245 Hillery Dr | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
San Ysidro Elementary School District | 619-428-5551 | 4345 Otay Mesa Rd | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
San Ysidro Elementary School District | 619-428-4476 | 4350 Otay Mesa Rd | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Southwest Middle School | 619-628-4085 | Parent Ctr | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
St Rose of Lima Church | 619-422-1121 | 278 Alvarado St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Sweetwater Union High School District | 619-710-2300 | 5353 Airway Rd | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Sweetwater Union High School District | 619-628-3023 | 1685 Hollister St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Sweetwater Union High School District | 619-628-4000 | 2710 Iris Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Sweetwater Union High School District | 619-628-3017 | 3240 Palm Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Sweetwater Union High School District | 619-628-3007 | 3250 Palm Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Sweetwater Union High School District | 619-628-5100 | 1267 Thermal Ave | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
Vista Square Elementary School | 619-422-8374 | 540 G St | Chula Vista | CA | 91910 |
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