Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in San Diego, CA 92115
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for San Diego CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Albert Einstein Charter | 619-795-1190 | 6112 Lorca Dr | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Christian Elementary School of San D | 619-698-4571 | 6747 Amherst St | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Clay Elementary School | 619-583-0690 | 6506 Solita Ave | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Crawford High School | 619-583-2500 | 4191 Colts Way | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Darnall Charter School East Campus | 619-582-1822 | 6020 Hughes St | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Hardy Elementary School | 619-582-0136 | 5420 Montezuma Rd | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Hoover High School | 619-283-6281 | 4474 El Cajon Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Jackson Elementary School | 619-582-3527 | 5465 El Cajon Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Jackson Elementary School | 619-265-8691 | 4345 54th St | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Montezuma Language Academy | 619-287-1182 | 4961 64th St | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
San Diego Unified School District | 619-287-8395 | 5510 Trojan Ave | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
San Diego Unified School District | 619-668-8635 | 6880 Mohawk St | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
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