Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in San Diego, CA 92117
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for San Diego CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alcott Elementary School | 858-273-3415 | 4680 Hidalgo Ave | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
Cadman Elementary School | 858-273-3003 | 4370 Kamloop Ave | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
Clairemont High School | 858-273-0201 | 4150 Ute Dr | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
Creative Performing and Media Arts | 858-278-5917 | 5095 Arvinels Ave | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
Del Sol Academy | 858-490-2770 | 3401 Clairemont Dr | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
Field Child Development Center | 858-274-6590 | 4375 Bannock Ave | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
Kroc Middle School | 858-496-8150 | 5050 Conrad Ave | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
Lafayette Elementary School | 858-496-8160 | 6125 Printwood Way | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
Madison Senior High School | 858-496-8410 | 4833 Doliva Dr | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
Marston Middle School | 858-273-2030 | 3799 Clairemont Dr | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
San Diego Unified School District | 858-490-8453 | 4435 Ute Dr | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
San Diego Unified School District | 858-496-8778 | 4350 Mount Everest Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
San Diego Unified School District | 858-496-8240 | 4690 Limerick Ave | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
San Diego Unified School District | 858-273-2700 | 4050 Appleton St | San Diego | CA | 92117 |
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