Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in San Marcos, CA 92069
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for San Marcos CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Academy of Professional Careers | 619-283-4000 | 340 Rancheros Dr | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
Delphi Academy of San Marcos | 760-752-1887 | 134 Woodland Pkwy | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
Foothills High School | 760-290-2544 | 158 Cassou Rd | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
Knob Hill Elementary School | 760-290-2080 | 1825 Knob Hill Rd | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
Paloma Elementary School | 760-290-2199 | 660 Camino Magnifico | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
Richland Elementary School | 760-290-2400 | 910 Borden Rd | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
San Marcos Academy | 760-290-2430 | 300 W San Marcos Blvd | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
San Marcos Middle School | 760-290-2500 | 650 W Mission Rd | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
San Marcos Unified School District | 760-290-2588 | 1 Cassou Rd | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
San Marcos Unified School District | 760-290-2700 | 1 E Mission Hills Ct | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
San Marcos Unified School District | 760-290-2455 | 1270 Rock Springs Rd | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
Sierra Madre Academy | 760-744-8505 | 1605 W Mission Rd | San Marcos | CA | 92069 |
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