Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in San Diego, CA 92113
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for San Diego CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Barrio Station | 619-238-0314 | 2175 Newton Ave | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
Chicano Federation of San Diego Count | 619-263-7785 | 3751 Boston Ave | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
Model Ex-Offenders Inc | 619-234-6191 | 1719 National Ave | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
Neighborhood House Association | 619-263-2108 | 795 S Boundary St | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
Neighborhood House Association | 619-264-9148 | 4343 Ocean View Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
Neighborhood House Association Hea | 619-262-1905 | 804 San Pasqual St | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
Neighborhood House Association Hea | 619-263-7761 | 841 S 41st St | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
Neighborhood House Association Hea | 619-232-4521 | 2930 Marcy Ave | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
Neighborhood House Association Hea | 619-685-6960 | 2024 Main St | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
Neighborhood House Association Hea | 619-264-6725 | 4890 Logan Ave | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
Southeast Alano Club | 619-262-4338 | 5077 Logan Ave Ste C | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
Women's Civic League | 619-238-9406 | 2972 Clay Ave | San Diego | CA | 92113 |
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