Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in San Diego, CA 92115
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for San Diego CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st Step Ministry of San Diego | 619-697-1753 | 6771 El Cajon Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Alliance for African Assistance | 619-286-9052 | 5952 El Cajon Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Bayview Community Development Cor | 619-582-8403 | 5532 El Cajon Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Blind Aids & Services | 619-583-1542 | 5922 El Cajon Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Chabad Auto Center | 619-265-0519 | 6115 Montezuma Rd | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
College Ave Senior Center | 619-583-3300 | 4855 College Ave | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Head Start Program San Diego County | 619-229-5028 | 6620 Marlowe Dr | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Hope in the City | 619-582-2489 | 5255 El Cajon Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Jewish Family Service Resettlement Pr | 619-229-2649 | 4651 College Ave | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Mental Health Systems Inc | 619-287-8225 | 6244 El Cajon Blvd Ste 15 | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Mid City Christian Service Agency | 619-286-1100 | 6184 University Ave | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Neighborhood House Association | 619-243-7056 | 6060 University Ave | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Salvation Army The | 619-287-5762 | 6845 University Ave | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
San Diego State University Crea | 619-668-2228 | 6824 El Cajon Blvd | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Wic Program American Red Cross | 619-583-8573 | 5911 University Ave | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
Ymca of San Diego County | 619-640-9774 | 4424 44th St | San Diego | CA | 92115 |
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