Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Francisco, CA 94102
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Presbyterian Church | 415-346-3832 | Fillmore St at Jacks | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 415-566-3704 | 19th Avenue & Judah | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Chinese Christian Mission Inc | 415-981-5135 | 10 Rose St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Christ Church Lutheran Elca | 415-664-0915 | 20th Avenue & Quinta | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Christian Science Churches & Read | 415-474-2747 | 450 Ofarrell St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Christian Science Churches & Read | 650-877-0105 | Sf Int Airprt | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
First Baptist Church of San Francisco | 415-863-3382 | Market | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
First United Lutheran Church | 415-751-8108 | 655 Geary St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Glide Memorial United Methodist Churc | 415-674-6000 | 330 Ellis St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Glide Memorial United Methodist Churc | 415-674-6200 | 434 Ellis St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Glide Memorial United Methodist Churc | 415-292-3335 | 333 Taylor St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Grace Evangelical Luthern Church | 415-731-1305 | 33D Avenue & Ulloa | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Islamic Society of San Francisco | 415-863-7997 | 20 Jones St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Jews for Jesus | 415-864-2600 | 60 Haight St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Jews for Jesus | 415-355-0496 | 84 Page St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Lutheran Church of Our Savior Elca | 415-586-7890 | Junipero Serra & Gar | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Lutheran Churches | 415-586-3424 | Diamond Heights Bl | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Lutheran Churches | 415-661-0242 | Sloat Bl at 19th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Mt Trinity Baptist Church | 415-863-0531 | 68 Haight St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
People Place Services Inc | 415-673-8088 | 930 Gough St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Providence Christian Center | 415-922-1027 | 220 Turk St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
San Francisco Rescue Mission | 415-292-1770 | 230 Jones St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Secular Franciscan Order | 415-621-3279 | 109 Golden Gate Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
St Paul's Presbyterian Church | 415-566-7838 | 43D Avenue & Judah | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Temple United Methodist Church | 415-586-1444 | 19th Avenue & Junipr | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Trader Vic's | 415-775-6300 | 555 Golden Gate Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
Valley Christian Fellowship of S | 415-863-8977 | 738 Hayes St | San Francisco | CA | 94102 |
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