Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Francisco, CA 94112
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Balboa Baptist Church | 415-585-3778 | 200 Onondaga Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Bethel Lutheran Church Lcms | 415-587-2525 | 2525 Alemany Blvd | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Bible Baptist Church | 415-587-8825 | 107 Sagamore St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Broad Street Baptist Church | 415-586-2010 | 267 Farallones St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 415-585-9190 | 5655 Mission St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Calvary Presbyterian Church | 415-868-2180 | 3 Brighton Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Christian Community Ministry | 415-585-8424 | 950 Geneva Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Church of Christ Columbia Height | 415-334-4740 | 142 Plymouth Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
College of Theology & Urban Studies | 415-585-6002 | 200 Plymouth Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Cosmopolitan Baptist Church | 415-584-7776 | 199 Farallones St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Fellowship Bible Church | 415-239-5492 | 119 Plymouth Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
First Samoan Congregational | 415-239-9658 | 260 Sagamore St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Geneva Ave United Methodist Churc | 415-585-6263 | 1261 Geneva Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Gideons Internatl | 650-992-4747 | PO Box 12112 | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Gnostic Institute of Anthropology | 415-333-3630 | 1524 Geneva Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Iglesia Bautista Balboa | 415-585-6628 | 39 Amazon Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Iglesia Espiritu Santo Ebenezer | 415-334-5819 | 4218 Mission St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Iglesia Evangelica Bethesda | 415-333-8483 | 1633 Ocean Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Ingleside United Presbyterian Ch | 415-239-9495 | 1345 Ocean Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Lakeview Church of God and Christ | 415-586-6799 | 107 Lakeview Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
New Providence Baptist Church | 415-586-1020 | 218 Granada Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Ocean Ave Presbyterian Church | 415-587-1100 | 32 Ocean Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Paradise Baptist Church | 415-333-0427 | 2595 San Jose Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church | 415-586-6560 | 327 Capitol Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
S F Church Assembly | 415-333-4751 | 1801 Ocean Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
San Francisco Christian Center | 415-584-5515 | 5825 Mission St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
San Francisco Neighborhood Ch | 415-585-2861 | 302 Jules Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
True Gospel Baptist Church | 415-584-7721 | 106 Broad St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church | 415-585-5700 | 55 Broad St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
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