Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Francisco, CA 94115
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Ame | 415-921-4935 | 916 Laguna St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Christ United Presbyterian Ch | 415-567-3988 | 1700 Sutter St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Church of Christ Iglesia Ni Cris | 415-563-3116 | 2899 Clay St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Community Baptist Church | 415-567-3248 | 1642 Broderick St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Conenant Network Presybiterian | 415-351-2196 | 2515 Fillmore St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Congregation Sherith Israel | 415-346-1720 | 2266 California St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Dominican Mission Foundation | 415-931-2183 | 2506 Pine St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
El-Bethel Baptist Church | 415-921-0878 | 1320 Golden Gate Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Jones Memorial United Methodist Churc | 415-921-7653 | 1975 Post St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Konko-Kyo Church of S F | 415-931-0453 | 1909 Bush St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Little Zion Baptist Church | 415-567-9377 | 1245 Divisadero St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church | 415-346-0243 | 2135 Sutter St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Missionary Temple Christi | 415-921-3324 | 1455 Golden Gate Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
New Liberation Presbyterian Ch | 415-929-8881 | 1100 Divisadero St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Schools of the Sacred Heart | 415-563-2900 | 2222 Broadway St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Seventh Day Adventist Church Central | 415-921-9016 | 2889 California St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Solid Rock Missionary Baptist Church | 415-567-7208 | 2000 Golden Gate Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
St Andrew Missionary Baptist Church | 415-346-6500 | 2565 Post St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Swedenborgian Church | 415-346-6466 | 2107 Lyon St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
Unity Church of San Francisco | 415-474-0440 | 2222 Bush St | San Francisco | CA | 94115 |
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