Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Francisco, CA 94117
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adams W T Rev Second Union Missary B | 415-861-2708 | 749 Page St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
Ebenezer Baptist Church | 415-431-0200 | 275 Divisadero St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
First Christian Church | 415-621-9207 | 599 Duboce Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
First Friendship Institutional B | 415-431-4775 | 501 Steiner St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
Gethsemane Baptist Church | 415-931-3218 | 601 Broderick St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
Holy of Holiness M B C | 415-346-4458 | 509 Divisadero St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
Morgan Saml A Rev Union Spring Baptist | 415-863-7557 | 101 Fillmore St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
Mount Herman Missionary Baptist Church | 415-931-8329 | 429 Lyon St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 415-863-4088 | 1321 Oak St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
New Antioch Baptist Church | 415-861-1761 | 1235 Fell St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
New Stranger's Home Baptist Church | 415-346-2800 | 1442 Fulton St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
Page Street Center | 415-241-9946 | 690 Page St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
Paris Foreign Missions | 415-664-6747 | 930 Ashbury St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
Uptown Church of Christ | 415-931-9333 | 949 Fillmore St | San Francisco | CA | 94117 |
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