Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Francisco, CA 94118
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Caanan Lutheran Church of San Fran Cis | 415-221-0250 | 495 9th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
Chinese Grace Baptist Church | 415-752-9090 | 900 Balboa St | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
Christian Science Churches & Read | 415-751-9413 | 1127 Clement St | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
Christian Science Churches & Read | 415-221-5811 | 300 Funston Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
Congregation Beth Sholom | 415-221-8736 | 1301 Clement St | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
First African Methodist Episcopal Zion | 415-931-7479 | 2163 Golden Gate Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
Golden Gate Church of Christ | 415-221-2631 | 701 8th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
Park Presidio Bible Church | 415-386-7600 | 856 Cabrillo St | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
Park Presidio United Methodist Churc | 415-751-4438 | 4301 Geary Blvd | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
San Francisco Bible Church | 415-387-3630 | 498 Funston Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
Sisters of the Presentation Ar | 415-751-0406 | 2340 Turk Blvd | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
St James Episcopal Church | 415-751-1198 | 4620 California St | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
Tenrikyo America West Church | 415-752-2431 | 3650 Fulton St | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
Tien Dao Christian Media Assoc | 415-387-1668 | 906 Clement St | San Francisco | CA | 94118 |
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