Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Francisco, CA 94122
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
19th Ave Japanese Baptist Church | 415-566-5344 | 1388 19th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
19th Avenue Baptist Church | 415-564-7721 | 1370 19th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
Church in San Francisco The | 415-661-9645 | 1201 19th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
Conerstone Evangelical Baptist Church | 415-566-5756 | 1900 Lawton St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
Dignity San Francisco Lesbian &s | 415-681-2491 | 1329 7th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
Eckankar S F Center | 415-242-9412 | 1560 Noriega St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
Emmaus Baptist Church | 415-564-9576 | 1750 29th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
First Orthodox Presbyterian Ch | 415-564-8180 | 1350 Lawton St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
I Kuan Tao Foundation of | 415-682-2233 | 1407 9th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit Mis | 415-661-1120 | 2400 Noriega St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit Mis | 415-664-4500 | 3830 Noriega St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
New Hope Church | 415-664-5416 | 1577 9th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
S F Mandarin Baptist Church | 415-681-0284 | 2332 Judah St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
S F Swatow Christian Church | 415-731-8778 | 4508 Irving St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
San Francisco Elim Church | 415-566-3334 | 1200 5th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
San Francisco Korean United Methodis | 415-759-1005 | 3030 Judah St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
Sharon Chinese Baptist Church | 415-664-3303 | 1620 Irving St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
St Francis United Methodist Churc | 415-681-4488 | 3601 Noriega St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
Sunset Bible Assembly of God | 415-564-3040 | 1690 21st Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
Sunset Chinese Baptist Church | 415-665-5550 | 3638 Lawton St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
Sunset Ministry | 415-566-2498 | 3010 Noriega St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
The 19th Ave Bptst Church of Sf | 415-566-1232 | 1398 19th Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
West Portal Lutheran Church & School | 415-731-3000 | 3101 Moraga St | San Francisco | CA | 94122 |
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