Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Francisco, CA 94132
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Faith and Interdenominati | 415-566-4122 | 2690 Ocean Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
Armenian Calvary Congregational | 415-586-2000 | 725 Brotherhood Way | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church | 415-333-1405 | 232 Randolph St | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
Ecumenical House Campus Ministry | 415-333-4920 | 190 Denslowe Dr | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
First United Presbyterian Ch | 415-681-5780 | 1740 Sloat Blvd | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
Gki-Sf | 415-242-1437 | 201 Eucalyptus Dr | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
Glorious Light Christian Churc | 415-585-2306 | 10 Chester Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
Golden Gate Church of Christ Holiness | 415-333-9075 | 201 Head St | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
Khaniqah-I Nimatullahi | 415-586-1313 | 1090 Randolph St | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
St Thomas More Church & Catholic Campus | 415-452-9634 | 1300 Junipero Serra Blvd | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
Sukyo Mahikari | 415-337-0657 | 1155 Junipero Serra Blvd | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
United Lodge of Theosophists | 415-586-9678 | 810 Gonzalez Dr | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
West Portal Lutheran Church | 415-661-0242 | 200 Sloat Blvd | San Francisco | CA | 94132 |
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