Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Francisco, CA 94134
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Indian Baptist Church | 415-239-9204 | 422 Leland Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Apostolic Church of the Faith in Christ | 415-468-1652 | 100 Felton St | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Channels of Blessing Family Church | 415-330-9032 | 2650 San Bruno Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Cornerstone Academy | 415-337-2664 | 501 Cambridge St | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Cornerstone Evangelical Baptist Church | 415-587-7242 | 801 Silver Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 415-468-2937 | 465 Woolsey St | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Greater Prosperity Missionary Bapt | 415-467-7366 | 3556 San Bruno Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Matthew Zion Baptist Church | 415-467-4233 | 2340 San Bruno Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Portola Baptist Church | 415-584-3230 | 225 Pioche St | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
River of Life Church of Christ Sunnydal | 415-333-1722 | 1430 Sunnydale Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Thutmost Temple | 415-657-9814 | 111 Raymond Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Valley Baptist Church | 415-467-6055 | 301 Raymond Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Visitacion Chinese Baptist Church | 415-333-4503 | 57 Leland Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
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