Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in San Francisco, CA 94110
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bryant Elementary School | 415-695-5780 | 1050 York St | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
Buena Vista Alternative Elementary Scho | 415-695-5875 | 2641 25th St | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
Cesar Chavez Elementary School | 415-695-5765 | 825 Shotwell St | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
George R Moscone Elementary Scho | 415-695-5736 | 2576 Harrison St | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
Horace Mann Collaborative | 415-401-8115 | 3351 23rd St | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
Immaculate Conception Academy | 415-824-2052 | 3625 24th St | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
Junipero Serra Elementary Scho | 415-695-5685 | 625 Holly Park Cir | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
Leonard R Flynn Elementary Scho | 415-695-5770 | 3125 Cesar Chavez | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
Meadows Livingstone School | 415-695-7735 | 1499 Potrero Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
Paul Revere Elementary School | 415-695-5656 | 555 Tompkins Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
Paul Revere Elementary School | 415-695-5974 | 610 Tompkins Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
St Anthony's Development Dep | 415-642-6079 | 299 Precita Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
St Charles School | 415-861-7652 | 3250 18th St | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
St James School | 415-647-8972 | 321 Fair Oaks St | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
Synergy School | 415-567-6177 | 1387 Valencia St | San Francisco | CA | 94110 |
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