Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in San Francisco, CA 94112
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cleveland Elementary School | 415-469-4709 | 455 Athens St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Corpus Christi School | 415-587-7014 | 62 Santa Rosa Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Epiphany School | 415-337-4030 | 600 Italy Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Guadalupe Elementary School | 415-469-4718 | 859 Prague St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
James Denman Middle School | 415-469-4535 | 241 Oneida Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Lick Wilmerding High School | 415-333-4021 | 755 Ocean Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Longfellow Elementary School | 415-469-4730 | 755 Morse St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Luther Burbank Middle School | 415-469-4547 | 325 La Grande Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Monroe Elementary School | 415-469-4736 | 260 Madrid St | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
San Francisco Community Alternative Ele | 415-469-4739 | 125 Excelsior Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
Sheridan Elementary School | 415-469-4743 | 431 Capitol Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
St Finn Barr School | 415-333-1800 | 419 Hearst Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94112 |
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