Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in San Francisco, CA 94134
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
E R Taylor Elementary School | 415-330-1530 | 423 Burrows St | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
El Dorado Elementary School | 415-330-1537 | 70 Delta St | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Hillcrest Elementary School | 415-469-4722 | 810 Silver Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Martin Luther King Jr Academic Middle | 415-330-1500 | 350 Girard St | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Njrotc Phillip and Sala Burton High Sch | 415-586-2222 | 400 Mansell St | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Our Lady of the Visitacion Scho | 415-239-7840 | 785 Sunnydale Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
St Elizabeth School | 415-468-3247 | 450 Somerset St | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Star Learning Center | 415-468-1698 | 11 Silliman St | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Visitacion Valley Elementary Scho | 415-469-4796 | 55 Schwerin St | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
Visitacion Valley Middle School | 415-469-4590 | 450 Raymond Ave | San Francisco | CA | 94134 |
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