Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Daly City, CA 94014
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Daly City CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Church of Christ in Daly City | 650-755-6976 | 6777 Mission St | Daly City | CA | 94014 |
Cumberland Presbyterian Chinese Church | 650-991-3862 | 101 Vista Grande Ave | Daly City | CA | 94014 |
First Baptist Church Daly City | 650-992-0680 | 542 Lisbon St | Daly City | CA | 94014 |
Golden Gate Korean Presbyterian Ch | 415-333-9500 | 300 Crocker Ave | Daly City | CA | 94014 |
Mt Vernon Baptist Church | 415-508-1438 | 310 Ottilia St | Daly City | CA | 94014 |
New Mount Vernon Missionary Bapt | 415-467-6697 | 2900 Geneva Ave | Daly City | CA | 94014 |
Our Lady of Perpetual Help | 650-755-4010 | 80 Wellington Ave | Daly City | CA | 94014 |
Saint Luke C M E Church | 415-586-1932 | 1006 Hanover St | Daly City | CA | 94014 |
Second Baptist Church | 415-586-4042 | 101 Peoria St | Daly City | CA | 94014 |
The Holy Temple Church | 650-758-1929 | 1190 Hillside Blvd | Daly City | CA | 94014 |
Westlake Community Baptist | 650-756-5400 | Elmwood Dr & Southga | Daly City | CA | 94014 |
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