Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Mateo, CA 94401
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Mateo CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Childrens School Hillsdale Unite | 650-570-6196 | 36th Avenue & Hacien | San Mateo | CA | 94401 |
Christian Science Churches and Re | 650-343-6706 | 150 N El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94401 |
Church of Christ | 650-343-4997 | 525 S Bayshore Blvd | San Mateo | CA | 94401 |
Community Baptist Church | 650-342-0959 | 15 S Humboldt St | San Mateo | CA | 94401 |
New Community Mission Church | 650-571-9445 | 3399 College of San Mateo | San Mateo | CA | 94401 |
Pilgrim Baptist Church | 650-343-5415 | 217 N Grant St | San Mateo | CA | 94401 |
Second Baptist Church of San Mateo | 650-343-4610 | 27 S Fremont St | San Mateo | CA | 94401 |
St James A M E Zion Church | 650-343-1712 | 825 Monte Diablo Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94401 |
Sturge Presbyterian Church | 650-344-6803 | 25 S Humboldt St | San Mateo | CA | 94401 |
Tensho Kotal Jingu Kyo Northern Cal Di | 650-343-2362 | 1314 Beacon Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94401 |
Westside Church of Christ | 650-344-3554 | 603 Monte Diablo Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94401 |
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