Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in South San Francisco, CA 94080
* Each listing below of Churches Information for South San Francisco CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Airport Church of Christ | 650-583-9000 | 234 Miller Ave | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
Alta Vista Church of Christ | 650-588-6456 | 361 Alta Vista Dr | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
Cumberland Peninsula Community Churc | 650-878-8822 | 2424 Westchester Ct | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
First Lutheran Church | 650-583-5131 | 350 Dolores Way | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
First Samoan Methodist Church | 650-871-8614 | 337 Alta Vista Dr | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 650-588-1723 | 507 Airport Blvd | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
Good News Chapel | 650-589-4439 | 215 W Orange Ave | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
Grand Avenue Baptist Church | 650-588-8150 | 800 Grand Ave | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
Hope United Methodist Church | 650-583-1702 | 115 El Campo Dr | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
Iglesia Del Pacto Evangelico Jeho | 650-742-0280 | 740 Del Monte Ave | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
New Covenant Presbyterian Ch | 650-583-9020 | 186 Country Club Dr | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
Primera Iglesia Bautista De Sou | 650-873-1579 | 299 Country Club Dr | South San Francisco | CA | 94080 |
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