Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Belmont, CA 94002
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Belmont CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baskin Robbins Thirty One | 650-591-8646 | 1200 El Camino Real | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Coyote's Mexican Cafe | 650-595-1422 | 1009 Alameda De Las Pulga | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Dairy Belle Freeze | 650-592-0505 | 575 Ralston Ave | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Hobee's Restaurant | 650-596-0400 | 1111 Shoreway Rd | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Hola Mexican Restaurant & Cantina | 650-591-1735 | 1015 Alameda De Las Pulga | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Hong Kong Restaurant | 650-592-3456 | 945 Ralston Ave | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
International House of Pancakes | 650-610-8887 | 510 El Camino Real | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Iron Gate Continental Cuisine | 650-592-7893 | 1360 El Camino Real | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Little Belmont Cafe | 650-592-6721 | 232 Harbor Blvd | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Luna's Mexican Restaurant | 650-637-9257 | 1500 El Camino Real | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
McDonald's | 650-592-6833 | 522 El Camino Real | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Narita Japanese Restaurant | 650-592-1878 | 1001 1/2 Alameda De Las Pulga | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Olivio's European Bistro | 650-596-0878 | 1316 El Camino Real | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
St James Gate Irish Pub & Restaurant | 650-592-5923 | 1410 Old County Rd | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Sunshine Cafe | 650-654-1230 | 1397 El Camino Real | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Taqueria El Metate | 650-595-1110 | 120 Harbor Blvd | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
The Van's Restaurant on the Hill | 650-591-6525 | 815 Belmont Ave | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Vivace Ristorante | 650-637-0611 | 1910 Ralston Ave | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
Wendy's | 650-594-0400 | 698 Ralston Ave | Belmont | CA | 94002 |
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