Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in San Mateo, CA 94403
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for San Mateo CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anh Hong Vietnamese Cuisine | 650-522-9085 | 2075 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Annapoorna | 650-345-4366 | 2299 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Banyan Garden | 650-349-1688 | 2946 S Norfolk St | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Brasserie Tomo | 650-578-0880 | 140 W 25th Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Burger King | 650-312-8484 | 44 Hillsdale Mall | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Burger King Restaurant | 650-341-7400 | 2817 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
California Chicken | 650-574-1112 | 1862 S Norfolk St | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Cathay Kitchen | 650-577-8333 | 2116 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Celia's Mexican Restaurant | 650-349-0165 | 3190 Campus Dr | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Chao Praya Thai Cuisine | 650-571-9123 | 4300 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Chef King Restaurant | 650-570-7918 | 2214 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Fernando's Mexican Restaurant | 650-345-9042 | 63 37th Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Fish Market Restaurants | 650-349-3474 | 1855 S Norfolk St | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Fusia Lounge & Ktv | 650-357-1888 | 3708 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Guadalajara Grill | 650-573-6933 | 19 Laurie Meadows Dr | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Heidi Pie Restaurant | 650-574-0505 | 1941 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Hillsdale Shopping Center | 650-570-4684 | 3101 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Hot Wok Cafe | 650-573-1350 | 2960 S Norfolk St | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Kan Cafeteria | 650-573-5971 | 2600 S Delaware St | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Kansal Sushi Japanese Cuisine | 650-578-9268 | 1944 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
La Cabana Taqueria | 650-345-1702 | 37 43rd Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
La Fonda | 650-574-9699 | 2310 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
La Lanterna Ristorante | 650-341-8877 | 180 W 25th Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
La Rocca's Twenty Fifth Ave | 650-574-1256 | 109 W 25th Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Laurelwood Shopping Center | 650-349-6464 | 1326 W Hillsdale Blvd | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
McDonald's Restaurants of Calif Inc | 650-577-8040 | 1324 W Hillsdale Blvd | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
New Kwok Wah Restaurant | 650-349-5521 | 32 42nd Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Nipa-Pon | 650-578-9211 | 121 W 25th Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Pantry Family Restaurant | 650-345-4544 | 3799 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Pasta Pomodoro | 650-574-2600 | 1060 Park Pl | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Pham Chris | 650-345-1534 | 2978 S Norfolk St | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Prince of Wales Pub | 650-574-9723 | 106 E 25th Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Quiznos | 650-578-8821 | 1001 Park Pl | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Radisson Villa Hotel | 650-341-0966 | 4000 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Romano's Macaroni Grill | 650-638-3580 | 31 W Hillsdale Blvd | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Shalizaar Restaurant | 650-341-2600 | 120 W 25th Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Shanghai East Restaurant | 650-522-9098 | 105 W 25th Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Shiki Japanese Restaurant | 650-341-8988 | 1332 W Hillsdale Blvd | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Silver House | 650-571-1298 | 2224 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Silver Lake Seafood Restaurant | 650-578-1678 | 2291 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Subway | 650-341-1900 | 1308 W Hillsdale Blvd | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Taqueria El Aguila | 650-571-7725 | 3733 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Taqueria Sinaloense | 650-570-6258 | 8 W 25th Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Taxi's Hamburgers | 650-377-1947 | 2700 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Toa Yuen Restaurant | 650-349-0414 | 3170 Campus Dr | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Viet Hung Restaurant | 650-572-8822 | 2456 S El Camino Real | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Wetzel's Pretzels | 650-578-9962 | 210 Hillsdale Mall | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
Yuzu Sushi & Grill | 650-358-0298 | 54 37th Ave | San Mateo | CA | 94403 |
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