Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Architects in Santa Barbara, CA 93103
* Each listing below of Architects Information for Santa Barbara CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Appleton & Associates Inc | 805-965-0304 | 527 E Micheltorena St | Santa Barbara | CA | 93103 |
B3 Architects | 805-966-1547 | 2020 Alameda Padre Serra Ste 133 | Santa Barbara | CA | 93103 |
Bartlett Bruce Architect | 805-963-4401 | 1 N Calle Cesar Chavez Ste 210 | Santa Barbara | CA | 93103 |
Berkus Barry A Aia | 805-963-8901 | 2020 Alameda Padre Serra | Santa Barbara | CA | 93103 |
Carberry James F Architects | 805-965-6431 | 40 Fairwood Ln | Santa Barbara | CA | 93103 |
Grant Robert S Architect Aia | 805-962-6670 | 1777 Las Tunas Rd | Santa Barbara | CA | 93103 |
Hopkins Scott Architect | 805-569-0005 | 1753 Grand Ave | Santa Barbara | CA | 93103 |
Martinson Trevor J Architect | 805-965-2385 | 1849 Mission Ridge Rd | Santa Barbara | CA | 93103 |
Naylor Susette Aia | 805-966-9807 | 900 Philinda Ave | Santa Barbara | CA | 93103 |
Porter Michael Patrick Architect | 805-560-8812 | 555 E Arrellaga St | Santa Barbara | CA | 93103 |
Sunplan | 805-962-2236 | 70 Loma Media Rd | Santa Barbara | CA | 93103 |
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