Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Goleta, CA 93117
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Goleta CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cambridge Drive Community Churc | 805-964-0436 | 550 Cambridge Dr | Goleta | CA | 93117 |
Christ Lutheran Church of Goleta Elca | 805-964-2267 | 6595 Covington Way | Goleta | CA | 93117 |
Christian Science First Church F Chrst | 805-964-1518 | 480 N Fairview Ave | Goleta | CA | 93117 |
El Camino Presbyterian Church | 805-968-0113 | 7526 Calle Real | Goleta | CA | 93117 |
Goleta Presbyterian Church | 805-967-2131 | 6067 Shirrell Way | Goleta | CA | 93117 |
Goleta Valley Church | 805-967-4113 | 595 N Fairview Ave | Goleta | CA | 93117 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Pre Scho | 805-967-1416 | 380 N Fairview Ave | Goleta | CA | 93117 |
Lutheran Campus Ministries | 805-968-3164 | 777 Camino Pescadero | Goleta | CA | 93117 |
Santa Barbara Korean United Methodis | 805-562-8181 | 892 Camino Del Sur | Goleta | CA | 93117 |
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