Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lompoc, CA 93436
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lompoc CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape House The | 805-736-7878 | 437 N H St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Bethany Lutheran Church Lcms | 805-736-8615 | 135 S E St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 805-733-3545 | 3355 Constellation Rd | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Calvary Chapel of Lompoc | 805-735-1511 | 1551 E Laurel Ave # B | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Church of Christ | 805-733-9345 | 3875 Constellation Rd | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Church of Christ | 805-736-3517 | 138 N O St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Door Christian Fellowship | 805-735-9120 | 230 N G St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Federmann Bernard Rev | 805-736-2772 | 125 N C St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
First Apostolic Church | 805-736-8082 | 921 N O St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
First Baptist Church Lompoc | 805-736-7110 | 220 W Cypress Ave | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
First Christian Church | 805-736-9355 | 1517 W College Ave | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
First Presbyterian Church of Lompo | 805-736-6569 | 1600 Berkeley Dr | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
First Southern Baptist Church | 805-736-6531 | 1009 E Pine Ave | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
First United Methodist Church | 805-736-1271 | 925 N F St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Grace Temple Missionary Baptist Church | 805-736-4645 | 201 S H St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
La Purisima Concepcion Catholic Church | 805-735-3068 | 213 W Olive Ave | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Landmark Missionary Baptist Church | 805-735-2990 | 708 N 3rd St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Lompoc Church of God in Christ | 805-735-6229 | 333 N 2nd St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Lompoc Valley Baptist Church | 805-735-7807 | 700 E College Ave | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
North Ave Baptist Church | 805-736-7474 | 1523 W North Ave | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Peace Lutheran Church Elca | 805-736-0250 | 1000 W Ocean Ave | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispan | 805-740-3073 | 323 W Hickory Ave | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
Solar Logos Sanctuary | 805-736-6528 | 7200 S Highway 1 | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
St James Missionary Baptist | 805-735-3079 | 222 N I St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
St Timothy Antiochian Orthodox Church | 805-736-6220 | 403 N J St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
True Vine Ministries Inc | 805-736-1761 | 533 Avalon St | Lompoc | CA | 93436 |
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