Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Santa Maria, CA 93454
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Santa Maria CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Korean United Methodist Churc | 805-922-1004 | 311 S Broadway | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
Bethel Lutheran Church | 805-922-6601 | 624 E Camino Colegio | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
Central Coast Luthern Mission Society | 805-925-2154 | 420 E Fesler St | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
Church of Jesus Christ | 805-614-6066 | 938 Sierra Madre Ave | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 805-925-4812 | 841 E Boone St | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
Grace Lutheran Church Lc Ms | 805-925-3818 | 423 E Fesler St | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
Iglesia Ni Cristo Church of Chris | 805-922-6506 | 214 Vine St | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
Methodist Churches | 805-937-2470 | Bradley & Larch | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
Renuevo Christian Center | 805-928-9955 | 1740 Rio Vista Ln | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
Set Free Church | 805-928-0368 | 500 S Broadway Ste 242 | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
St Mary of the Assumption | 805-925-2007 | 406 E Church St | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
St Mary of the Assumption | 805-922-5826 | 414 E Church St | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
St Mary of the Assumption | 805-925-1334 | Miller | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
St Peters Episcopal | 805-928-1086 | 1115 Christina St | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
Vineyard Christian Fellowship of S | 805-922-1015 | 200 S East Ave | Santa Maria | CA | 93454 |
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