Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Santa Barbara, CA 93111
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Santa Barbara CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Association of Oral & Maxillof | 805-964-6787 | 112 S Patterson Ave # 111 | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
Basham Laurence A Dds | 805-967-0272 | 122 S Patterson Ave Ste 107 | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
Brennan Robert Dds | 805-964-0378 | 122 S Patterson Ave | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
Burk John W Dmd | 805-967-0344 | 5370 Hollister Ave Ste E | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
Caraco Robt Dds | 805-967-0479 | 5370 Hollister Ave Ste F | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
Grube & Scott | 805-964-6955 | 122 S Patterson Ave Ste 103 | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
Hwang Joseph Dmd | 805-967-1700 | 5370 Hollister Ave Ste G | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
Lyman George E | 805-967-5318 | 122 S Patterson Ave Ste 113 | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
Miller Peter K Dmd | 805-964-4786 | 122 S Patterson Ave Ste 214 | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
Palmer F Stanton Dds | 805-964-4759 | 122 S Patterson Ave Ste 109 | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
Pickering Stephen C Dds | 805-964-6757 | 5333 Hollister Ave Ste 111 | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
Sea Breeze Dental Care | 805-683-5300 | 5370 Hollister Ave Ste A | Santa Barbara | CA | 93111 |
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