Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Santa Barbara, CA 93101
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Santa Barbara CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Federation of Nurses Local 53 | 805-963-4411 | 211 E Victoria St | Santa Barbara | CA | 93101 |
American Heart Association | 805-963-8862 | 212 W Figueroa St | Santa Barbara | CA | 93101 |
American Lung Association of | 805-963-1426 | 1510 San Andres St | Santa Barbara | CA | 93101 |
Amvets Post 3 | 805-963-9794 | 112 W Cabrillo Blvd | Santa Barbara | CA | 93101 |
Citizens Planning Assn of Santa Barbar | 805-966-3979 | 916 Anacapa St | Santa Barbara | CA | 93101 |
Conflict Solutions Center | 805-963-6765 | 1528 Chapala St | Santa Barbara | CA | 93101 |
Historic Presidio Chapel | 805-965-0093 | 123 E Canon Perdido St | Santa Barbara | CA | 93101 |
Laguna Cottages for Seniors | 805-965-1179 | 803 Laguna St | Santa Barbara | CA | 93101 |
League of Women Voters | 805-965-2422 | 328 E Carrillo St Ste A | Santa Barbara | CA | 93101 |
Ostomy Association Santa Barbara C | 805-963-1577 | 1432 Chapala St | Santa Barbara | CA | 93101 |
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