Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in San Jose, CA 95118
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for San Jose CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alene at Compliments for Hair | 408-267-9958 | 1691 Branham Ln | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Angela's Place for Hair & Nails | 408-267-3310 | 3315 Almaden Expy | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Balloon Cuts Kids Hair Salon | 408-266-5466 | 4684 Meridian Ave | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Be Lovely Hair Design | 408-269-2770 | 1429 Branham Ln | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Betty Macias and Sherry Daggett at Salo | 408-266-2299 | 4991 Cherry Ave | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Express Hair & Nail | 408-267-4611 | 4674 Meridian Ave | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Fashion Cuts | 408-978-8974 | 1160 Blossom Hill Rd Ste J | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Hair Biz | 408-445-0866 | 1125 Luchessi Dr | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Hair by Nadji | 408-265-8949 | 4965 Almaden Expy | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Hair of the Year | 408-448-3213 | 1659 Branham Ln Ste A | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Jenny's Beauty Salon | 408-978-7677 | 1187 Branham Ln | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Jetts Coiffures | 408-978-2710 | 1107 Branham Ln | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
La Choza Day Spa | 408-448-0573 | 1451 Foxworthy Ave | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Mahin's Hair Salon | 408-448-2516 | 5603 Meridian Ave | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Pam's Creation | 408-266-1610 | 1578 Branham Ln | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Rony Issavi at Hair Affair | 408-266-7568 | 1375 Blossom Hill Rd Ste 42 | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Ruzhin Skin Care | 408-264-7546 | 1503 Bordelais Dr | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
Susan's Beauty Salon | 408-264-6688 | 1180 Blossom Hill Rd | San Jose | CA | 95118 |
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