Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Campbell, CA 95008
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Campbell CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aids Hotline Necessities & M | 408-378-4445 | 65 W Rincon Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Campbell Baptist Church | 408-378-2658 | 151 Sunnyside Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Chinese Baptist Church of San Jose | 408-371-3368 | 2221 Curtner Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Church of Campbell The | 408-374-8140 | 409 E Hamilton Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Congregational Church of Campbelntd C | 408-378-4418 | 400 W Campbell Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
First Baptist Church of Campbell | 408-378-4960 | 400 Llewellyn Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Guide Post Gospel Church | 408-871-7201 | 1855 Winchester Blvd | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Home Church The | 408-370-1500 | 1799 Winchester Blvd | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Japanese Christian Church of Santa | 408-377-0190 | 40 Union Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Korean Baptist Church of World Missio | 408-376-0191 | 62 S San Tomas Aquino Rd | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Korean Bethel Baptist Church of San J | 408-374-9191 | 261 Sondra Way | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Methodist Church Cambrian Park | 408-377-8155 | Leigh Avenue & Gunst | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Nevtec | 408-559-0638 | 871 E Hamilton Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Oc International Westcoast Offic | 408-377-4263 | 1381 Sheffield Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Orchard Community Church | 408-379-1682 | 157 E Rincon Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
San Jose Korean Central Church | 408-866-1313 | 1870 Winchester Blvd | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
San Tomas Baptist Church of Campb | 408-378-3211 | 860 Harriet Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
Seventh Day Adventist Church Campbell | 408-866-4625 | 600 W Campbell Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
St George Coptic Church | 408-370-2586 | 395 W Rincon Ave | Campbell | CA | 95008 |
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