Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Jose, CA 95112
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Jose CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 408-295-0066 | 268 E Julian St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Apolstolic Assembly of the Faithrst Js | 408-947-9123 | 77 N 5th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Catholic Campus Ministry | 408-938-1610 | 300 S 10th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Church in San Jose The | 408-294-2899 | 124 S 11th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Church of Christ | 408-298-4832 | 803 N 7th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Church of Christ | 408-286-0348 | 81 N 8th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Ethiopian Bay Area Muslims Associa | 408-436-8975 | 120 E Gish Rd | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
First Christian Church of San Jose | 408-294-2944 | 80 S 5th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
First Immanuel Lutheran Church Missouri | 408-286-8413 | 374 S 3rd St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
First Presbyterian Church of San J | 408-297-7212 | 49 N 4th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
First Unitarian Church of San Jose | 408-292-3858 | 160 N 3rd St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
First United Methodist Church | 408-294-7255 | 24 N 5th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Freedom Worship Center | 408-297-8508 | 621 Jackson St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Freewinds San Francisco | 408-441-1104 | 80 E Rosemary St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Golden Altar Ministries Inc | 408-993-1962 | 55 E Humboldt St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Grace Baptist Church | 408-295-2035 | 484 E San Fernando St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Holy Cross Church | 408-294-2440 | 580 Jackson St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Iglesia Misionera Assemblies of G | 408-293-7744 | 826 N 13th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Islamic Community of Bay Area Bosnia | 408-441-0540 | 1445 Koll Cir | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Konko Church | 408-295-3837 | 284 Washington St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Light House Tabernacle | 408-392-0763 | 110 E Gish Rd | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Oriental Christian Center | 408-286-1433 | 639 N 6th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispan | 408-297-4467 | 424 N 9th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
San Jose First United Methodist | 408-294-7254 | 55 N 7th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
San Jose Missionary Baptist Church | 408-289-8673 | 499 E Saint James St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
St Paul's United Methodist Churc | 408-294-4564 | 405 S 10th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 408-295-0367 | 566 N 5th St | San Jose | CA | 95112 |
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