Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Jose, CA 95116
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Jose CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Movement in the Name of Jes | 408-258-5592 | 219 S 33rd St | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
Church of Faith & Hope | 408-299-0791 | 1180 E Julian St | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
Cosmopolitan Evangelical Uni | 408-272-8049 | 97 S Jackson Ave | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
First Ame Zion Church | 408-288-6690 | 95 S 20th St | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
First Apostolic Church | 408-929-4470 | 480 McCreery Ave | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 408-258-7242 | 425 McCreery Ave | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
Five Wounds Church | 408-292-2123 | 1375 E Santa Clara St | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
Friendship Church of God in Christ | 408-258-5445 | 1654 E San Antonio St | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
Iglesia Del Dios Vivo La Luz Del Mund | 408-923-8024 | 19 N King Rd | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
La Puerta Abierta Church | 408-258-1483 | 169 Scharff Ave | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
La Trinidad United Methodist Churc | 408-259-1276 | 370 S King Rd | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
Logos Christian Fellowship | 408-259-7474 | 1570 McKee Rd | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
Mathis Memorial Church of God in Chris | 408-295-7241 | 264 N 27th St | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
New Horizons Bible Church of Sj | 408-929-2902 | 131 N King Rd | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church | 408-258-7057 | 2020 E San Antonio St | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
Pilgram Church of God in Christ | 408-287-2365 | 1452 Whitton Ave | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
San Jose Central Seventh Day Adv | 408-923-8757 | 2345 Alum Rock Ave | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
San Jose First Vietnamese Alli | 408-998-1361 | 102 S 21st St | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
St James Ame Church | 408-251-1588 | 1916 E San Antonio St | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
St Paul Missionary Baptist Church | 408-926-2649 | 1930 E San Antonio St | San Jose | CA | 95116 |
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