Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Jose, CA 95126
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Jose CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 408-294-2204 | 729 Morse St | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
Center for Spiritual Enlightenment | 408-283-0221 | 1146 University Ave | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
Chinese Agape Vineyard Christian Fello | 408-279-0144 | 1255 Pedro St | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
Chinmaya Mission | 408-998-2793 | 1050 Park Ave | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
Christian Science Churches and Re | 408-294-8719 | 1807 The Alameda | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
Heart of the Valley Baptist Church | 408-243-5985 | 1397 W Hedding St | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church | 408-296-4040 | 1948 The Alameda | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
Iglesia Bautista Roca De La Eternidad | 408-297-2959 | 990 Meridian Ave | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
Missions To Japan Inc | 408-998-1768 | 1211 Park Ave Ste 101 | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
South Bay Rock & the Lighthouse of S | 408-289-8166 | 555 Meridian Ave | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
Vedanta Society | 408-294-5976 | 1376 Mariposa Ave | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
Vela Ministries Internatl | 408-995-5090 | 1100 Shasta Ave | San Jose | CA | 95126 |
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