Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Jose, CA 95127
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Jose CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alum Rock Covenant Church | 408-258-7488 | 218 Kirk Ave | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Alum Rock Southern Baptist Church | 408-258-1237 | 2962 Story Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Alum Rock United Methodist Churc | 408-258-7368 | 30 Kirk Ave | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Church of Christ East Foothill | 408-251-2637 | 214 N White Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Church of Christ Eastside | 408-926-6127 | 257 S Claremont Ave | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Dien Tho Phat Mau San Jose | 408-258-9496 | 1489 S White Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 408-272-1360 | 467 N White Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Filipino Christian Church | 408-926-6365 | 505 S White Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Elca | 408-729-7563 | 121 S White Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Gold Sage Monastery | 408-923-7243 | 11455 Clayton Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Grace Community Baptist Church | 408-254-3305 | 2801 Florence Ave | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Graham James K Rev | 408-259-0259 | 4411 Hyland Ave | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Green Valley Christian Church | 408-251-0821 | 390 Ridge Vista Ave | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Icmd | 408-251-8696 | 14801 Whipple Ct | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Iglesia Bautista White Road | 408-272-7586 | 480 S White Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 408-258-9650 | 500 S White Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
New Mission Church of God in Christ | 408-259-1008 | 3098 Florence Ave | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Open Bible Baptist Church | 408-251-4582 | 10160 Clayton Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
PO Wah Zi | 408-923-9559 | 2946 McKee Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Renovacion Carismatica Christiana Inc | 408-923-8988 | 994 Fourier Dr | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
Silver Creek Congregation of | 408-258-0669 | 1506 Clayton Rd | San Jose | CA | 95127 |
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